MrForums, also known as SirMcDonald and MiccyDS, was an active General Discussion forumer during the years 2008 to 2010. During his time on Roblox, he would reach the total amount of 6048 posts on all his accounts.
He was a very respected forumer in the late 2000s, and he also hosted several "ARGs" on the forums on which people would have to complete for a prize, such as PuzzledDocument, of which people who completed the challenge would receive two thousand Robux.
In early 2009, MrForums would confess to the forums he had a tumor. This would lead to him receiving a bunch of support from forumers, who would make several shirts and accounts in support of him. During this time, the account would claim that it was being used by his cousin MiccyDS, who would later turn out to be him. In July 2009, he would admit to faking his cancer, which lead to him losing respect from many forumers. [1] After this, he would quit foruming regularly.
In mid 2010, he would return to make several NSFW posts on the forums, which would lead to him getting IP banned from Roblox.